Contact Us


Edmonton Location

#230, 4936 - 87 Street
Edmonton, AB
T6E 5W3

Please use the separate entrance on the North side of the building (directly underneath the Connections sign)

Camrose Location

Unit 21, Duggan Mall
6601 48 Ave, Camrose, AB
T4V 3G8

Enter the furthest east doors of Duggan Mall below the Duggan Cinemas sign. Turn right at the food court.  You will see Unit 21 on your left. We are in office 21J.

Fort Saskatchewan Location

#10409 100 Avenue
Fort Saskatchewan AB,
T8L 1Z3

Located in the same building as First United Church. Please use the private side door, closest to the parking lot. Look for the Connections logo and ring the doorbell for entry.

Connections is an LGBTQ2S+ affirming and anti-racist practice located on Treaty 6 Territory, traditional lands of First Nations and Métis people. We are proud to be designated a Turtle Island Safer Space.

Connections Logo